The Creative Head

Hi, I'm Rongen. Welcome to my blog - with the purpose to share my skills and to help newbie designers pursue on their first step. I always admire great ideas, designs and techniques of other creatives around the world. Every design and art masterpieces are my inspiration. I hope that this could also bring inspiration or somehow education to others with the same passion and bring new clients too... along the way, friendship. Thank you for visiting my blog and my other websites.

Latest News: This blog is now a mirror-site of my new daily cartoon-blog

July 31, 2007

Enlightened Soccer Logo

Client: Charles Cotton (Calgary Canada)

Initial Concepts. Please click here to view the actual proposal.

July 24, 2007

Project Estimate Tutorial

Here's a very useful tutorial for those in the Graphic Design business who needed guidance on how to wrap their head around the problem of determining estimates. Presented by Mark Monlux who has served as the National Secretary/Treasurer on the International Board of the Graphic Artists Guild and is currently the SPGA/Seattle Chapter's Ethic's Chair.

Click here to view the tutorial.

July 14, 2007

Gelateria Fiorentina Logo

Fleurdely's Bakeshop (main branch in Kiarong) has a new product to offer. It's under a separate new image. Watch out for their opening in August or September in Kiulap Mall, Bandar Seri Begawan.

Here are some logo designs i proposed to my client. I've just put it below into one scratch pad for blog viewing purposes. These logos have been made according to client's preferences and creative brief, but most of the time I propose my own idea and explain how it works better with the other (the pros and cons). Now, I've been busy doing their other marketing materials including packaging, advertisements and their menu book.

And here are the final logos and stationary.

July 10, 2007

ZUNIC Wellness, Corporate Logo Usage Guide

Atlast! A new name, a new logo, and the first and only wellness company in Brunei has been revealed. (Not fully opened yet, but they have ongoing seminars, training and classes). After a year of renovation of Body Challenge Fitness Gym , they are now on their finest make-over. Instructors, staffs and management are preparing for the BIG change with the vision to be the first inspire and deliver the ultimate world class, wellness programs for Brunei Darussalam and mission to improve the health and quality of life of people by using a holistic approach towards a lasting lifestyle change by providing customized, affordable, accessible and flexible wellness programs.

For more information, visit their website:

July 7, 2007

My Blog Worth...

My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?

I've found this cool applet from my friend Rano of
My, have just started last month, but it has already gained popularity compared to my other blog since last year. I'm not sure if the URL name counts, but putting up a good strategic name might hit the mark. A great site/blog name is very good for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes, but for me, I use a simple term "stick-to-the-brain" name that the market will surely remember.

I have my which is auto-directed to this blog, registered last year, but i cannot manage and conceptualize the whole site yet. If there's someone interested to buy that domain name, please let me know. Remember that it's easy to think for a good business name, but it's seldom available in the .com industry.

Goodluck my fellow designers who blog!

July 6, 2007

Aikidamashii Dojo : Logo Design

Below are initial concepts proposed to my Sensei. There are only 3 slight revisions requested. I'll post the logo by tuesday, once they've confirm the final one.