The Creative Head

Hi, I'm Rongen. Welcome to my blog - with the purpose to share my skills and to help newbie designers pursue on their first step. I always admire great ideas, designs and techniques of other creatives around the world. Every design and art masterpieces are my inspiration. I hope that this could also bring inspiration or somehow education to others with the same passion and bring new clients too... along the way, friendship. Thank you for visiting my blog and my other websites.

Latest News: This blog is now a mirror-site of my new daily cartoon-blog

March 30, 2010

I'm a New Daddy.... Again!

My wife is expecting in November or December.  We're all wishing for a baby girl this time but as long as my wife and the baby are healthy, any gender is fine with me.

I just learned about the Alkaline and Acid diet before conception but still this kind of practice in choosing the gender of a child is not 100% accurate.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

Would you rather go naked?

I was just doodling.  Nothing environmental really.  I was suppose to talk about peta but this is what I ended up with.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 27, 2010

Earth-hour... Then back to normal, or worst.

Ok, so the earth-leaders, companies and individuals have joined the campaign.  And what happens next?

Sure it will be on the headlines.  Lots of pictures and viral videos will spread around.  Promo t-shirts will sell and print ads are out there.
In preparing all this, how much energy, electricity and money the involved parties have wasted?  After one-hour of darkness, it will be 365 days of ruining the earth.
How many mobile phones, computers, cars and other electronic devices produced everyday?  And how many of the old items we throw away, and where do we throw them?

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 14, 2010

Busy Week Ahead! Cartoonous will continue next week.

Many things to finish and priorities to face.  I will still try to post if there's a chance to free up my mind and to step away from work pressure.  Thanks for visiting.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 12, 2010

Over Exercise or Exercise is Over?

Do you know that your upper body muscles are easier to build than your lower body muscles?  

It is always a hard game for bodybuilders to develop their legs.  When you train your legs hard, you are already training 80% of your muscles including your heart and lungs. This helps to build up your stamina.  

Based on experience, sprinting is better than jogging and lunges are better than squats.  30-45 minutes of smart workout works better than 2 hours.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 10, 2010

Do you think everything is perfectly fine?

This concept was inspired by T.W. Ayers, one of the author of "Power Dads".

In the eyes of a child everything seems perfect.  If we, parents, don't teach our child the good ways who will?
Children live by examples.  Getting them ready to their future starts from a home-sweet-home.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 9, 2010

How to know if a person has an iPad?

There were so much talk about iPad since its launching.  The Apple company is taking it more seriously and now there's a new casing to fit it in.

This is just my funny impression about the new technology product.  Have a good laugh!

Posted via email from Cartoonous

How to know if a person has an iPad?

There were so much talk about iPad since its launching.  The Apple company is taking it more seriously and now there's a new casing to fit it in.

This is just my funny impression about the new technology product.  Have a good laugh!

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 8, 2010

Super Kids. The New Generation?

What do you think is the future of this type of kids?

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 6, 2010

Who's the real PRO?

I remember an event where I was invited by a client to take pictures of their special menu. I was honest enough to tell them that I do not own a nice camera. However, she didn't mind because she just needed a simple documentation to upload on facebook. That night, she lent me her Canon EoS 400d (I'm not sure if I got the model right as it was my first time to operate and handle SLR).

The event was attended by high profile individuals as well as bloggers and photographers. Most of whom were totting big lenses but there were some who slung simple ones. I couldn't determine who the pros were but I it was obvious who could "afford" and those who were there for the passion of it.

I admire the humility of experienced photographers who do not judge you according to your accessories but the sincerity of your efforts to improve your skills in photography.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 5, 2010

This clearly explains Men and Women's brain

Just to exaggerate things but most of them are true.  

Husband and wife should compliment each other and not to criticize one another.

Do you know that women need to burst out 8,000 words per day while men 2,000 vocal words are enough, sometimes less.
Women talk a lot and want everyone to listen, men want peace and quite.  

Try to ask a boy "how's school?", he'll probably reply "Fine".   Ask a girl and she'll tell you in details what they did, what time, the name of the teacher, and so on.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 4, 2010

When was the last time you heard your child say "I miss you" ?

I was inspired by the phrase "Never wait 'till your children stop bothering you."

Every afternoon is an awaiting game for our 2 incredi-boys.  They both love wrestling and ball games.  
Our small house is like mini kids-gym full of obstacles - punching bag, monkey bars and climbing rope.
But they see those things useless without me.  I have to be around and be the monkey, sometimes monster, sometimes robot.
Active children need active parents. 

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 3, 2010

Dumb blonde - Is it a dumb joke?

I just read an article "Why Blondes Have High Fertility" by Allan & Barbara Pease. I also did a little research about it.

Do you know that blondes have higher oestrogen levels that give strong attraction to man? It is likely the explanation of the phrase "Dumb blonde" and was more exploited by commercials and media.
They say that blondes have higher fertility but very low mathematical reasoning, but after a blonde's 1st baby is born, her hair darkens because her oestrogen level drops. It darkens even more after her 2nd child. Therefore, we hardly seen pure natural blondes at the age of 30 and above.

My own explanation to this is, blondes become smarter after giving birth because they have learned their hard lessons. I think that is also the reason why many popular blondes end up as single mothers.

It is funny to realize, why Asian women are spending so much to color their hair blonde. More funny to see men doing this. Are they trying to look like dumb or they already are? :)

Posted via email from Cartoonous

March 2, 2010

Why most inventors are men?

Psychology always fascinates me.  Let's observe young children. Boys love toy cars, robots, building blocks and experiment things, while girls love toy make-ups, stuff toys and barbie dolls.
Men invent and repair things and women keep them and make the place tidy.  Men don't plan but can see the dangers ahead - and always proud of that skills.  Woman always love to put on her "princess shoes" and think of the "happy ever after". (Speaking of shoes - I never knew a woman who has only one pair of shoes that lasts for a year and matches all sorts of clothes.)

I agree that men always think of "sex" (though not the explicit act always).  Men tend to notice the opposite sex - first the woman's face, then the shape of her body.  That proves that men are very visual and women want to be noticed and always yearning for commitment.  Men also notice other men who look superior to them and release the "defensive and territorial hormone". They will try to control that feeling and observe, but that "ready-to-fight" feeling is always intense.  Women notice V-shape men and trendy women too but they are more concerned about what's happening around, latest fashion and gossip.

If men think most of the time about sex, who invented sex toys?

Posted via email from Cartoonous