The Creative Head

Hi, I'm Rongen. Welcome to my blog - with the purpose to share my skills and to help newbie designers pursue on their first step. I always admire great ideas, designs and techniques of other creatives around the world. Every design and art masterpieces are my inspiration. I hope that this could also bring inspiration or somehow education to others with the same passion and bring new clients too... along the way, friendship. Thank you for visiting my blog and my other websites.

Latest News: This blog is now a mirror-site of my new daily cartoon-blog

March 5, 2010

This clearly explains Men and Women's brain

Just to exaggerate things but most of them are true.  

Husband and wife should compliment each other and not to criticize one another.

Do you know that women need to burst out 8,000 words per day while men 2,000 vocal words are enough, sometimes less.
Women talk a lot and want everyone to listen, men want peace and quite.  

Try to ask a boy "how's school?", he'll probably reply "Fine".   Ask a girl and she'll tell you in details what they did, what time, the name of the teacher, and so on.

Posted via email from Cartoonous

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